Membership Preview Prenatal Yoga
Modified flow class Modified prenatal vinyasa Prenatal for the spine yoga Easing leg cramps class Preparing for birth Post Partum Yoga
Back to the mat Post caesarean Baby and me for energy and joy Mom and baby move your body Baby Massage
For when you’re feeling down To calm your mind To prevent exhaustion For fear of the future To control your mood swings Interviews With Experts
Chiropractic care for mama and baby Mindful parenting Maternal mental health discussion Restore the core baby boot camp Baby and toddler sleep best practices Breastfeeding tips and strategies Personal brand and fashion for the new mama Marriage and intimacy after baby Raising emotionally happy kids Feeding your baby, toddler and the whole family Prenatal and postpartum wellness and fitness MOM Meditations
Baby massage and massaging the legs & feet Massaging baby's tummy and chest & arms Massaging baby's face & back Bringing it all together Enjoy more courses with your 15% discount at Bambino&i Health & Wellness Access your own workbook: Beautiful Motherhood: The 6 Must Haves to Enjoy Your Motherhood Journey . All MOMS on Maternity Club Members receive a complimentary Exploration Call ($145 value) with Joy Monet.