Why Having a College Student Mommy's Helper is Amazing

written by, Aimee Cruz | Moms on Maternity Founder & CEO

As a busy mom, you wear many hats - caregiver, chef, chauffeur, and more. But what if you could share some of that load with a trusted and capable helper? Enter the college student Mommy's Helper by Moms on Maternity! Having a college student assist with childcare and household tasks can be a game-changer for Moms like us. Here's why:

Fresh Perspective and Energy

College students bring a fresh perspective and boundless energy to your household. They're eager to learn and upbeat, making them a delight to work with. Their youthful enthusiasm can rub off on your kids, making homework time, meal prep, and even cleaning up a breeze.

Reliable and Flexible

College students often have flexible schedules, which means they can adapt to your changing needs. Whether you need help with morning drop-offs, after-school pickups, or evening homework sessions, they're available to lend a hand. And, with their reliable assistance, you can finally enjoy some much-needed me-time or tackle that long-overdue to-do list.

Role Models and Mentors

College students can be fantastic role models and mentors for your kids. They can share their knowledge, interests, and experiences, inspiring your children to explore new hobbies and passions. This can be especially beneficial for kids who need extra support or encouragement in specific subjects.

Affordable and Convenient

Hiring a college student Mommy's Helper is often more affordable than traditional childcare options. Plus, they're already familiar with your community, making it easier for them to navigate local activities and outings with your kids.

A Win-Win Situation

By hiring a college student Mommy's Helper, you're not only gaining a trusted assistant but also supporting a young adult's education and personal growth. Many students use their earnings to fund their tuition, living expenses, or future endeavors.


Having a college student Mommy's Helper is a win-win for everyone involved. They bring fresh energy, reliability, and a positive influence to your household, while you gain a trusted partner in managing your busy life. So why not give it a try? Your sanity - and your kids - will thank you!

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Aimee Cruz

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Aimee Cruz, is a visionary thinker, connector and dreamer. She has been leading Moms on Maternity, as CEO, since founding it in early 2017, Prior to founding Moms on Maternity, Aimee served as a Sr. Manager at Deloitte. She worked with Fortune 500 clients in the areas of Risk Consulting, Innovation Consulting and Strategy Consulting for over 12 years. Aimee is Mom to two little boys. They reside in beautiful San Diego, CA, and enjoy laughing, dancing, spending time in nature and learning.