Tips To Keep Up Your Energy Up When You Have A Lot Going On
Written By: Bosky Singh, Moms on Maternity Columnist.
Just the other day, while talking to a friend of mine she complained about being exhausted all the time. And I believe almost all of us can identify with her situation. We all have got a lot on our plates right now, and if we are tired and drained all the time how are we going to take care of our home and family. I remember reading online, ’Taking care of yourself is a part of taking care of your kids.’
As mothers, it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, and more than that don’t we owe it to ourselves to be fit and healthy. Now what should we be doing to keep our energy and strength going when we have a lot going on?
Have a Routine:
You must be wondering what a routine has to do with health and energy. I have found it to be the hidden gem. When we have a routine it saves us a lot of time and energy cause you know what you have to do throughout your day. You know the rhythm in which you will be doing the chores, saving up on energy as you are not wasting your resources, mental and physical in wondering what to do next.
Sound Sleep:
Not only the kids but their mamas too need their beauty sleep. A good night’s sleep is more than necessary if you want to keep ongoing.
“Sleep is like the golden chain that binds our health and body together.” - Thomas Dekker
More than often we neglect the importance of sleep, if we are not able to meet a deadline we cut down on our sleep. If we have not been able to complete our chores, what we do is reduce our sleeping hours. Sleep is the most vital ingredient of our well-being. And the lack of it results in a grumpier version of ourselves who is tired, lethargic, and lacks the freshness which we feel after a good night's sleep.
Try to get around 7 hours of sleep and if you are not able to do so then try to implement some more relaxing behaviors before going to bed like reading a book, having a bath, and even sipping on some relaxing herbal tea like lavender or chamomile. I even recommend a glass of warm milk on cold wintery nights. I find having warm tea and reading a book particularly relaxing in unwinding myself after an exhausting day.
Eating Healthy:
As mothers, we all understand the concept of eating healthy. But I have seen many of my friends giving healthy food to their kids but ignoring themselves when it comes to eating healthy. I understand it's difficult to prepare nutritious meals all the time but try to have at least one healthy meal a day. Moreover, if you are tired and feel sluggish all the time then it's time to glance at your eating habits. Maybe you are having too much fast food or too much processed food high in sugar and fat. Food fuels your body and good fuel nourishes your body and keep you charged.
Control Stress:
Stress is all-consuming. Stress takes huge chunks out of us and leaves us drained and sluggish. We need to control stress and try not to be consumed by it. What could be done to avoid it? Try talking to friends, relatives or join a support group, talk about your feelings, things that are causing you to stress, and take all the negativity out of you. You can even try meditating or practicing yoga or any such relaxing therapy which suits you. I love aromatherapy and meditating in particular.
Prioritize and Lesson Your Workload:
One of the major reasons for fatigue is overload. One needs to understand that we can't do it all and set our priorities in order. Choose what is more important at the moment and work accordingly and try not to stress about the things which you are not able to accomplish in a day.
Exercising regularly means improving your overall health, reducing stress and sleeping soundly. It improves mental health by reducing depression, anxiety, etc. Exercising has also been found to elevate mood. And there are countless other health benefits as well like weight loss, it keeps you fit, improves blood circulation, and many more.
There are many other things one can do to increase their energy like: * Avoid smoking * Limit alcohol * Stay hydrated * Avoid added sugar * Digital detox
We all have a lot going on and we need to keep up our energy levels to be there for our kids and ourselves as well. See what works for you and try to be regular about it. Have a pattern around the house and ask the whole family to chip in to help with the chores. Don’t try to be a do-it-all mommy and in this process try finding some time for yourself as well.
Remember, ’Mama it’s okay to take care of yourself.’ ‘A healthy fit mom is a better and HAPPIER MOM!’
Bosky Singh is Mom to one boy aged 4. She is a regular columnist for Moms on Maternity.