Motherhood: Reflecting on COVID-19 in 2021 - 10 months in

Written By: Edwige Suzan Ozo, Moms on Maternity Columnist.

Welcome to 2021! After witnessing one of the most overwhelmingly challenging years ever, it's safe to sigh with relief and be thankful. 2020 was quite a year for the workers, traders, children and most especially Mothers because it introduced a much more engaging lifestyle for parents.

Before Covid, we would get wrapped up in being either a career-Mom or a work- from- home Mom or the complete house-Mom who cleans the home, shops for groceries and runs a few errands here and there and so much more. Each day, our routines would resume quite similarly to the previous days in full cycle.


With the dawning of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic rendering half the world in total isolation and the rise of intense social distancing, more Mothers swung into the safest available option of working remotely. Laptops and smartphones became our newest best friends, coupled with the challenges of having children screaming and playing at the top of their voices as we worked. We had more moments where we were like; 'Can you keep it down, I’m trying to get some work done here, ’ Or ‘Baby, Mommy is busy okay, go play with the others.' Then the next thing we would hear is the screaming cry of our kid reminding us that there is no way I can really work from home as we ran to attend the them.


Does this continue to be frustrating or what? Of course, it is, but this is the reality of the new life COVID-19 has set before all Mothers and children. Every day, we are overwhelmingly trying to keep the home tidy and dust-free with COVID-19 being a respiratory disease and all. We are getting tired of continuously washing hands and reminding our kids to do the same every time they go outside; it’s nerve-wracking when they forget all the rules and throw caution to the wind! It gets challenging but no complaints because Motherhood is about patience, endurance and multi-tasking.

Voila Davis; an award-winning American Actress had this to say, "I tell my daughter every morning, 'Now, what are the two most important parts of you?' And she says, 'My head and my heart.' Because that's what I've learned in the foxhole: What gets you through life is strength of character and strength of spirit and love."

As a Mother, you need to keep your spirit up even when you feel exhausted because for sure, you will be. Bottom line, you are here, there is no turning back and you’ve got kids who love you and understand that on some days when you yell it’s because you’re tired or stressed but they still love you anyway and they will always look up to you.

So, with that in mind, think of the COVID-19 pandemic as an experience teaching you how to adjust your lifestyle. Yes, 2020 is over, 2021 is here and it still bears the scars of the previous year and more wounds to potentially come. We now know the stress and strain of creating balance. This time, it’s okay if the plan is mushy at first, as we know we will get the hang of things eventually.

The big question is how can you create that balance without breaking down and getting washed out from exhaustion?

  • Time Schedules; an experienced mother knows the power and importance of time when it comes to managing a home. You cannot afford to get past a day without strategizing time for activities. The pandemic calls for more planning; from the moment you wake up till dusk, set out time for working, cooking, cleaning, playing with the kids, hubby time and your alone time where you just stretch out on the sofa with a glass of wine or the Mama Body Herbal Tea made for stress relief or the Celestial Seasonings Chamomile tea which can get you sleeping in no time because every Mother knows that the one thing you don’t get very often is the zeal to sleep. A well-planned day amid all the COVID-19 brouhaha can make life less burdensome.


  • Engaging your kids; to make the isolation worthwhile, keep them reading, writing, playing super cool educational and mentally activating non-tech games and its totally fine and appropriate to add in some tech enabled games like those made by, V.Tech, which isn’t only affordable but an easy to use interface for kids. Teach your kids and yourself while youre at it, some DIY techniques and watch to see which they become engrossed in. Voila! With all that engagement, you will hopefully see more me-time and the the kids will be more involved in their own space - a win-win for everybody.

Truth is no one knows what 2021 holds so be the best mother you possibly can be regardless of the circumstances. Take each day as it comes and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t meet targets and deadlines.

Joyce Meyers; a Christian writer and evangelist in her work; the confident mom says: “It’s impossible to enjoy anything when you are afraid of failing at it. But once you know with all your heart that you really do have what it takes, being a Mom can be a lot more fun.”

Enjoy the role and take it with all the joys, sorrows and stresses that come along; this is what makes you unique and superhuman as a Mother.

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Edwige Suzan Ozo

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Edwige is a Moms on Maternity columnist, and Mama to two boys ages 4 and 2.